If solar energy can run the space station,why cant it power your home?With the high cost of energy,300.00 a month light bills and natural gas prices for the homes in the winter time going through the roof,why shouldnt people be able to buy solar energy systems at an affordable price.Only the people who can afford to pay the high cost of heating an air conditioning can afford solar energy.Who and what is keeping this price of this technology out of the hands of the average person ? Why is the price so high ?If the price was lower more people would buy it and they still could make lots of money because of the large numbers of sales.It would also save a larger value of natural gas for future use in other places.
Well,sorry to inform you,but anybody and everybody and his little brother knows that there is no way to hookup utilities to the space station.In this age of peoples exposure to high technology,I looked for more answers that made sense.People who can afford it have already proven that it can work in homes so that isnt what I am looking for in an answer.The biggest problem with solar energy is that it is too expensive for the average person to put into their homes.The heart of the question is,What and who is keeping this technology from being used,The price of energy is sky high and we are useing it up.We need to save on energy/ natural gas and we need to cut down on the use of coal because of polutions.Cannon E and peter J,stop looking at the question as if you think its a stupid Question(its not) people asking Questions is the way all problems are solved.
Posted by sonofsam
You Absolutely completely can! The only limiting factor is the amount of energy your house uses. It would take 7 to 10 thousand dollars (which is not a huge expense if your building a home) to make enough power to run an average home.
But if your willing to make a few minor adjustments to your lifestyle, you can be extremely efficient and get buy on just a few 75 watt panels.
Economics of solar power?
Is solar going to become an affordable alternative soon? How cheap does it need to get? Is it typically calculated as cost per watt, or? How much electic does the typical home use? Any insight would be apreciated.
Posted by RogerDodger
Solar power is still a new technology. Companies that are pursuing it aggressively are for the most part small and arent selling a large volume. Low sales means the company must have a high profit margin to survive, this translates into high prices for the equipment. When other forms of energy become to expensive more people will turn to solar allowing the manufacturers to invest in more efficient processes allowing them to charge less for their product. Copper is also very expensive at the moment. (used in high quality solar panels)
how cheap? I have no idea. Maybe the price of coal needs to get higher! LOL.
Are solar pond pumps any good?
I have seen a solar pump for an outdoor pond in a home improvement catalog but have not been able to find any for sale in the Atlanta area.
Posted by decatur135
Solar devices depend on where you live. Plain and simple, lots of sun, lots of energy stored. Where I live, I see neighbors that have solar landscape lights that work well in the summer, are ludicrous in the winter
Places like Arizona, Denver CO, etc. Ought to work optimally.
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